
2Dto3D is a knowledge based company, which provides scientific, commercial and marketing support to material engineering industries


To become a fundamental link for the opportunities that could emerge in the field of engineering materials.


2Dto3D carries out research & innovation projects on demand, related to material science and engineering. We name this “toll research”.

Our products

We develops and offer to the market new organic semiconductors which are interesting to several applications such as photocatalysis to oxidize organic contaminants and dyes, opto-electronics, smart materials, transparent photovoltaic cells. In addition, we offer other engineering materials directed to foundry and engineering ceramic industry.

Polymeric carbon nitride

Boron carbon nitride

Zirconium silicate

Carburizers and Graphites

Iron oxide


Chemical sensors based on two-dimensional materials for packaging and food closures.

Latest News

  • The 2022 Zircon Industry Association Conference was held in Kuala Lumpur on 13-14 September 2022....

  • LIRON LIB power and 2Dto3D signed an agreement of collaboration on development and trading of materials for LIB technolo...

  • Attendees debate the effect of the rise of electric vehicles on demand for zirconia, which is used in brake pads. Zircon...

A scientific and consultant company
for the development of innovative materials and devices